Synthesizing (Using Different Creative Thinking Tools in your Classroom)













  1.  My argument for using creativity and how seven cognitive tools are important as a way of developing creativity in the classroom

I do agree that thinking and approaching teaching is important and can change your classroom, maybe how you approach a subject, and what tools you may bring to the classroom.  I had the difficulty of trying to break down the concept of recycling.  I did want to challenge myself when beginning the class.  I did not think I could think and use my brain and body in different ways trying to figure out how creative thinking could make learning exciting for myself and for students.  I always think, what would interest me first, as a learner.  This helps because I bore easy and especially from the traditional lecture given by the teacher and being a student listening for 35 minutes and possibly falling asleep.

So, I will approach each way of thinking and as a teacher, how this could benefit your teaching.  My photos above could apply to any of the thinking tools we read about in “Sparks of Genius,” which was our text to help us at teachers and using creativity to spark student interest and I think our own as teachers.  There is the concept of the teacher who runs out of “gas,” and loses ideas and ways to continue to talk about a subject and to change the way he or she teaches to match different students that come to the classes.

Body Thinking

This is the thinking tool we started off with and to get out using creative thinking to make our teaching more interesting.  I teach grade school so I think these tools are needed because teachers get stuck.  Teachers run into a “teacher’s block” where they are unsure how to get the energy to teach the same topic again.  This can happen especially for me in mathematics and science and grammar and such.  So, for this final exercise I will think of something other than recycling, which is what I focused on, and did get burned out, with thinking about, in so many different ways.  I will think of the present progressive in English, well, the regular form, because I teacher English as a Foreign Language as well as many other subjects.

The present progressive is the -ing form of verbs and as a teacher I have to think of the interesting ways I can think of.  I must use creativity of my thinking to perhaps make the learning more creative and push my students to be more creative in showing how they learn and if they learned the concept or idea.  I would observe what it feels like, to use the -ing form in my body first.  I would thinking of an action that is exciting.  “I’m dancing in slow motion.”  The body thinking is wondering because I would act out the dancing and dance in slow motion with no thinking just showing the students what the slow motion is.


And this thinking would lead me to another creative tool as a teacher, to play, I could ask students to join me in the dance and play, and see what styles of dance there are and how to dance fast and in slow motion. Showing and teaching by example is much more exciting to me and can help the class and move the energy for the class and get their focus on the body and playing.  And then the fun part and creative part could continue and we could modeling what it is form a robot to be dancing in slow motion.


Modeling can be such a beneficial thinking and creative tool because the teacher and students can step outside of their minds and see in action a model of the concept.  It can be large in can be physical in this way.  The dancing of a students as a robot and moving in slow motion could show the students that the fun is “still going on” just as the present progressive form shows, and this makes learning and teaching just PLAIN interesting to me.


These tools are interesting to me as a teacher because they form a circle of options for the teach in reaching students and getting them to understand the material that is part of your curriculum.  Each of these tools can be used to approach the same topic.  Students could describe what they see when they see the robot dancing in slow motion and then make a video to go along with different verbs in the -ing form.  This could extend the exercise into a theme for the rest of the words to memorize.


Now some of these thinking tools are easier than others to help explain a concept.  But students can be creative and could move the teacher into different shapes and imagine what he would like like doing the different progressive verbs like sleeping on a chair and the students could film and have other students video these and do a video show on the projector by seeing the verbs come alive and into the real space of the classroom.  The picture above of recycling as an image can be exciting and have students remember a difficult verb like talking, speaking, chatting, which are three verbs that some languages don’t need.  The verbs talking and speaking especially might benefit from an image or to imagine what they look like.


This type of thinking may not be need for teaching -ing forms but what about maths.  Ratios are always difficult and thinking abstractions on paper could help students think about the concept in its form and how it feels to see in in another shape.  This may ignite a visual part the student was having a difficult time with and may help the student with “learners” block because students defiinitely sufffer from learner block also.  They get bored and burned out with subjects or are frightened just by the word ratio or the subject matter.  I think creative thinking and using the many ways to think can help with maths and some memorization of forumulas.

Patterns and Recognizing Patterns

This wonderful for maths especially to see the true nature of numbers and how they come to us and how we interact with them.  In music, making it and listening to it, there can be some interesting ways to see if there are patterns in the music.  This can be beneficial with music history or music theory which is another subjects students and I get bored with.  These thinking tools can lead to ways to stepping out of the mind for a second to re-think something.  Synthesizing is about using all the ways of the mind, body, and soul.  I am typing this and I just saw the formula of force outside this window with two cars moving.  You never know where you might get inspired by all this writing!



This can be an interesting approach to teaching and this can be helpful in teaching miosis or mitosis, actions of cells.  I always felt that learning about the actions of cells was not real because I couldn’t see it.  But if we could do a physical activity like the procreation of new ideas as a each student as a class, this could help students thinking of contrasting but similar ideas or concepts.


This is one of my favorite tools from our book and how to put yourself into someone else’s body or in their shoes as they say.  This can make the physical learning part come out and and the performance and acting type of learning come form.  We can empathize with a river with too much Phosphorus and what the fish feel like swimming in it.  We could all get on the floor and wiggle for two minutes and then fake our deaths.

Dimensional Thinking

This could help with teaching of angles and shapes and students could find other objects with similar angles found in an Isosceles triangle for example and stack them next to one another to see how the parts come together.  I love that being visual and making a model and thinking about how big the angles might look just might help a student memorize the size of a particular angle.  This makes learning more real and tactile which helps with learning.  The senses should all be used in thinking of teaching and learning and how to observe a subject before teaching it.


This type of thinking is putting little pieces together to form a bigger object.  This could help with parts of speech and verbs and adverbs and all the little parts could make a sentence and students could hold each word that is the verb or adverb or the noun or the adjective and then move around and around to form new sentences.  I think this would make transforming come alive for them and maybe help with creative sentence building and help make grammar fun and creative.  I love grammar but it is because I can transform  in my mind and on paper or on this computer. I can move the parts to different places to make sentences.

2.  How to Spin them around and Synthesize

It is very important to play with all the thinking tools and to see each subject and lesson a way to make life creative for you and your students.


I hope my Twitter message holds well for defining this thing called synthesizing.

This is my Tweet link.  Click here.

-I added my “pitch” on Instagram and here is the link:

my video link  click here


I have enjoyed thinking about thinking and being creative with this.







Another Space in My Live


Thinking of space.  I got to re-read our article and came up with this interesting passage.

“What is important here is that the space (a classroom) they were using was one that had been designed top-down for teaching at distance. The users of the space however, had very different ideas. They took ownership over the space, and through flexibility, creativity and ingenuity, came up with solutions that best fit their learning and teaching goals and purposes.”

My place is a strolling park nearby but I go at night.  I took ownership of this space because I get to think in new ways and capture creative images. I take photography very seriously and explore a lot with this type of medium.  An outdoor space is very different from an indoor one.  The sky is the limit or atmosphere I guess would be the very utmost limit.

Why use this space?

You can hear the leaves blow in the breeze and there is less traffic.  I see many people walking to this park every day or when I have the time to get there.  It is a mini park and the trees are beautiful and there is a serene feeling.  I see many people smiling and joyful if they job through or walk through it.  As you can see I was taking pictures of the remains of rain and making the space my muse and the object of the photos.  I think many people feel that this space for free to join and and do what you will.

Now I live near a busy highway and this is a reclusive area where the “users” the participants of our condo make it their own and change it feeling and structure why walking and running and sitting on it.  It must affect the trees and plants, the effect of joy.  Now I made this place my object of study for creative purposes.  I go at night so I thought we would inspire you about capturing the mood that the park allows me to feel.  Remember in Thailand everyone is honking so much and then you enter the park and silence.  You can hear the leaves moving.  This is conclusive to creativity and to learning. Here are more photos that I took.






Making My Own Architecture for Learning

I feel that many places I can truly make it user friendly and let may students get inspired by a place.  This is how I perceive the relevance to the article.  I see this park as something that I used for my own purposes.  I haven’t seen other photographers there and they are missing something.  But as a teacher, I see the need for students help be a part of technology and creativity and “bend” the space, conform it, even if it is just in the mind or in this case the body.  Some places allow for the body to be more creative.  But I think many places might be changed and conformed or even using the space to change a mood, can be beneficial as a teacher.

I teach art so our art room is boring.  But there are times when the students use the room to connect creativity in a giant group painting project.  I watch and then guide them to take over the room and yet watch them as their teacher.  This is very exciting and this article is very relevant for creativity and teaching students to use their own minds and resources and tools to find their “way” of seeing the room in their own eyes.  I like being the outsider and not being top down and forcing the dullness of the room but letting their ideas feel the room.

What should you Recycle and Why?

Are there things in this world you want to throw away and burn up and create something new? Which of these bottles would you want to melt down and mold into something new?  Have fun and think about each bottle, which could be recyclable if we Truly wanted it to be.

Recycle these because you like the rivers only? 🙂

And now for your fun and play, recycle this bottle for the Earth?  This is the famous U.S. Senate bottle? Do we have the facility to do it?


And think about the ability to break this one down?  Do we have another mold?


And this bottle may not melt.  The 1929 financial collapse and the 2007 collapse were helped by this bottle. Can we ever melt it down?  Should be come up with a new mold?


And maybe we could just melt it this down and realize what recycling means to the Earth and its constituents!


And finally we could mold a new way of life and make a new street?


What is play?  I think that play is taking the items you have at your disposal to see what possibilities are?  Playing is letting your mind and body and heart enjoy making something new out of existing materials. Some researchers feel that nothing is created that is new and that you use the existing items that you have had.

“how your introductory activity is both playful and meaningful”

It is meaningful because a student or a new comer to recycling that is obstinate to recycling can think that besides creating new objects from the old material maybe the changes can be positive and provide more energy. Maybe there can be more energy created from melting the congress bottle, or the senate bottle, for the Goldman Sachs bottle.   Teaching science is about relevance to lives and the idea to recycle and the energy that goes into the process can be beneficial to the Earth and all the people too.  This may be play in Satire but satire is a great form of play for teens.  They can make their twist on the existing and what grown ups give them and create something new out the melted “plastics.”

“why you developed the activity you did”

I had to develop this exercise to get past the boredom and barriers to think of science and recycling as confined to a Unit in a physical science book.  Life is science and they are all connected.  Humor and play helps get past what students know that existed.  This is good for thinkers and that the way to think and move ahead with technology and what is waste is in this lesson with the bottles and the institutions.  People have a bin where they put their old banana peels and eggs shells to recycle the material and minerals and vitamins to create new prized vegetables.  This composting can be with ideas with social studies and history and political science and even economics.

They key as a teacher is to let the subject fly on its own and make it multifaceted and to allow students to run with it.  If the lesson falls flat, nothing is destroyed.  Students can scramble these images from Google and find or create their own to help think about what it means to make something “new” or beneficial.  They used to say that the “mind is a terrible thing to waste.”  What does “wasting” mean really?


Modeling, Drinking, Molding, Recyling and Waste?

Here is one picture of the average bottle size for drinking water here in Thailand.


I am bothered by this size.  I have a family of four and we can’t carry this wherever we go and as a teacher of science, and recycling, how can we think of a vision of being not wasteful when we make new molds and create bottles to be used again and again.  This is a part of Thai culture, to re-use but what about water waste and plastic waste during recycling.  So, I explored the idea of modeling and thought what would be my ideal size to make for my family and this would be it.  I have to scale what I thought it would be.  And as a teacher, if I think about waste as a problem in recycling, I would model a lot.  Here is the picture of our ideal bottle.


And you may enjoy my thinking.  How is this perfect size to make and provide for my family?

my earlier thoughts:

This is a challenge.  I have to think of recycling in terms of dimensions.  Now, I have no furnace, and I don’t want to burn my kitchen down melting down some odd plastics I find around our condo.  I would have to create a recycling model.  I have never been to a plant and only have watched mold making from my dad who used to melt down copper and create hummingbirds from the melted down material.  So this is my experience in modeling using the dimensions I think are correct.  I do love recycled art and in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the United States, I saw how the artists changed old car parts and created a mantis.  I remember that mantis standing erect and I looked and how the person or people modeled it.  The dimensions were fantastic and I wondered how they got them so correct.

The cognitive thinking for dimensional thinking is mathematical to me.  It can be done by measuring the ratios and using precise techniques to create the model.  I have done a lot of dimensional thinking because I like to shrink an object from a larger one in painting the object and also in making the small larger.  The cognitive tool is mapping, mapping out the scale in real life or visually.  This must be done if you want a more scientific approach to creating a realistic model of the real thing.  The video from our materials, the powers of ten, is a visual focus and estimation.  I think estimating for art’s sake is wonderful.  You are imagining the object in a new form and shape and “scale.”  The clothes designers do this all the time while changing the dimensions of their sketches.

Now the problem with recycling for me is the waste and do I want any.  In Thailand we are always buying massive bottles with drinking water and I wonder how can we not waste the big models are made and even the medium size models have a place.  You can refill the bottles from water from a dispenser.  So, the bottles are recycled in a sense and dimensionally you must fit the right bottle with the correct amount of water and how much you paid for.  Sometimes I have been left with a bit of money in the water purifying machine so I need all shapes of plastic bottles in all dimensions and thus I need real models that store water to not waste the water and not waste these bottles.  I am not sure about the recycling plants.  Do they waste a lot of plastic they get?  I don’t run them.  Here is my modeling of the proper size of a plastic bottle with just enough water for my family for a 1 hour outing.  If I was the molder and making a mold of the bottle to not waste water or plastic this is the size and shape of the bottle.


Look at my special “room”

The room

 Now if you are looking at all the pictures posted on this blog you are wondering or maybe be wondering, “Do you ever clean it?”  The thing about rooms is that they have their own energy and this has been examined for years with Feng Shui and just being in a room.  The problem with renting a condo where they all look the same, especially, in the living room, you must create your space, and mold it, and change it.  The great thing about change is you can let life change it with dust, with age, the sunlight coming through.  Our room provides us time to watch movies together with our futuristic television.  We have places to place sentimental goodies and yes, mini Christmas trees.  Here in Asia we don’t have the same pine trees as I did back in California.

Now as you move along the room you notice little things that my wife, myself, my son, my brother-in-law, have done to it.  It is an it because it is not real but it is a space we want to shape and change.  Some architects used to do “top down creations” and create for the users, the renters of a condo per se but some say the users create their own spaces.  This is our space of comfort.  The rag on the floor for cleaning spills from my son is a personal touch by my wife.  The basket full of toys is for me and my son thank you very much.  And you will notice our modem and this Internet life is very important to us.  My son has Autistic Spectrum Disorder so we design for us and him.  I think he is the designer.  We design for his I pad needs and spill needs; we eat Asian style on the ground.  We all have contributed to this space.

Now thinking about our article and creating space and rooms from the opposite way:

The Reading and the Idea of “The natural interactions within the living environments ought to shape its architectural structure.”

I agree that as Educators and when thinking of students and technology, we must look at what students are using it for.  I have used Haiku before for an on-line class.  I created a class with this technology platform but what was great about my instructor.  She let us try out many sites and what felt right for us.  This was a great way to approach technology and learning.  I want to teach with technology but I don’t want to force exercises and technology that are dull.  I enjoy the D2L technological device we use for my classes at Michigan State but sometimes, I want to be part of the creative process.  I think it is a bit sterile and not interactive enough.  I think that the appearance and graphics are dull to me.  I would like to change the windows and frames and especially for group discussions.  This applies to our reading, the people who study or live in a room like mine, should be able to change it for their needs.

I realize that some educators are better with some technology for teaching and pedagogy and such but sometimes the students need to give feedback.  The most disappointing thing about our D2L platform for learning on-line with Michigan State, it is not as interactive as I would like.  I would like to see what others are doing.  What they are interested in?  I think there is too much privacy for us learners.  So, how to change the room or architecture of learning with our teachers?  I should really let them know and help change it.  As the article points out, the participants should shape their lives, their rooms, and their learning.  I hope my room is not too messy!  But I am glad I had the choice to change my creative space.

Side note:  I used to study at a cafe in Berkeley, California, and I loved it, because it felt like the owners made the cafe for us to study, to live in, to hear music, to talk, to drink.  This is the right way to think of space, and creating space, and thinking about what you want with space.

How many sweets? And my re-write for Trayvon Martin

Our thinking about creativity is that we add on to the new and that there is not much of a “creative spark” and that you can look at the design and just change it.  Is it really this simple?  I don’t really agree with this and scholarly studies on creativity and looking at creativity like it was a part of a sample series in blood tests for Malaria and looking for the deviations.  I think that things change and “mutate” and that sometimes that past idea is the same in a way, in another world and another time.

This song is important to me for its content and feel and about police using excessive force in American.  Now the words are simple but singing them is not the same.  Now you watch the video and here are the lyrics.  This was written by Bruce Springsteen.


Album version

(41 shots)
(41 shots)
(41 shots)
(41 shots)

41 shots, and we’ll take that ride
‘Cross the bloody river to the other side
41 shots, cut through the night
You’re kneeling over his body in the vestibule
Praying for his life

Is it a gun, is it a knife
Is it a wallet, this is your life
It ain’t no secret (it ain’t no secret)
It ain’t no secret (it ain’t no secret)
No secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in your American skin

(41 shots)
(41 shots)
(41 shots)
(41 shots)

41 shots, Lena gets her son ready for school
She says, “On these streets, Charles
You’ve got to understand the rules
If an officer stops you, promise me you’ll always be polite
And that you’ll never ever run away
Promise Mama you’ll keep your hands in sight”

Is it a gun (is it a gun), is it a knife (is it a knife)
Is it a wallet (is it a wallet), this is your life (this is your life)
It ain’t no secret (it ain’t no secret)
It ain’t no secret (it ain’t no secret)
No secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in your American skin

(41 shots)
(41 shots)
(41 shots)
(41 shots)

Is it a gun (is it a gun), is it a knife (is it a knife)
Is it in your heart (is it in your heart), is it in your eyes (is it in your eyes)
It ain’t no secret (it ain’t no secret)
It ain’t no secret (it ain’t no secret)
It ain’t no secret (it ain’t no secret)

41 shots, and we’ll take that ride
‘Cross this bloody river to the other side
41 shots, I got my boots caked with this mud
We’re baptized in these waters (baptized in these waters)
And in each other’s blood (and in each other’s blood)

Is it a gun (is it a gun), is it a knife (is it a knife)
Is it a wallet (is it a wallet), this is your life (this is your life)
It ain’t no secret (it ain’t no secret)
It ain’t no secret (it ain’t no secret)
No secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in your American skin

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots

41 shots (you can get killed just for living in)
41 shots (you can get killed just for living in)
41 shots (you can get killed just for living in)
41 shots (you can get killed just for living in)

41 shots (you can get killed just for living in)
41 shots (you can get killed just for living in)
41 shots (you can get killed just for living in)
41 shots (you can get killed just for living in)

*****And watch Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band sing this out:


Now some say that Bruce connected things from his own experience, from readings, from other songs, from life, but he took a real life experience of an man shot for going for his wallet.  Now I will take a real life experience of excessive force and do as the article mentions, as Steve Jobs says, “Creativity is just connecting things.” And this is also from the same article:  “A creative person then works with those knobs to figure out possible variations on the original concept, and to incorporate anything that will produce something novel, effective and/or aesthetically pleasing. In other words, creativity involves “twisting the knobs” on an existing idea or artifact, to create new variations on an existing theme.”  It is not as easy as this, in my own opinion.

My new words make a creative song?


Trayvon Martin from his Google picture

Black American Skin (Buying Skittles) for Trayvon Martin

(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)

I want something sweet, and I’ll walk a little way
Call my Boo, after a delay
Something sweet, a man harrasses me
Just because of my hoodie and the way I be
Pray for my race don’t you see?

Is this a little errand, is it a safe place?
Will I rob you blind, you can’t see my face?
We All Know the truth, especially us who are dark
We All Know the truth, especially us who are dark
No new news
You can get killed just for living in your African-American skin

(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)

Getting skittles, I’m just a teen
My mom says, “On these streets, Trayvon
You’ve got to understand the rules
If an officer stops you, promise me you’ll always be polite
And that you’ll never ever run away
Promise Mama you’ll keep your hands in sight”

Is this a little errand, is it a safe place?
Will I rob you blind, you can’t see my face?
We All Know the truth, especially us who are dark
We All Know the truth, especially us who are dark
No new news
You can get killed just for living in your African-American skin

(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)

Is this a little errand, is it a safe place?
Will I rob you blind, you can’t see my face?
We All Know the truth, especially us who are dark
We All Know the truth, especially us who are dark
No new news
You can get killed just for living in your African American skin

Get my skittles, and I will call my sweet Lil Boo
Talk about our love and sweet talk too
With some skittles, I got my snacks with me
Won’t this Zimmerman let me go free?
Or will I have to show my anger to make him see?

Is this a little errand, is it a safe place?
Will I rob you blind, you can’t see my face?
We All Know the truth, especially us who are dark
We All Know the truth, especially us who are dark
No new news
You can get killed just for living in your African-American skin

(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)

(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)
(Buying something sweet)

skittles (you can get killed just for living in your African-American)
skittles (you can get killed just for living in your African-American)

skittles (you can get killed just for living in your African-American)
skittles (you can get killed just for living in your African-American)

skittles (you can get killed just for living in your African-American)
skittles (you can get killed just for living in your African-American)

skittles (you can get killed just for living in your African-American)
skittles (you can get killed just for living in your African-American)

skittles (you can get killed just for living in your African-American)
skittles (you can get killed just for living in your African-American)